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David Abram QHSE Manager


David joined SAIP in May 2023, and was integrated into the company in the role of Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental (QHSE) Manager.
‘During the interview, Roberto Renzini, CEO of SAIP, told me about the company’s evolution project and, in particular, the QHSE objectives they wanted to achieve.
What impressed me, as it was a vision I shared, was the consideration of these pillars not so much as set goals to be achieved, but as a continuous path through which we strive for excellence.
Over time I have come to realise that this philosophy of SAIP applies to all departments: for every goal achieved there are others to build on, and this translates into continuous improvement for the customer and the confidence that, with SAIP, he will have a quality, safe and technologically up-to-date solution.

How do you achieve these results?

‘Continuous improvement is a mindset. To get there, people have to be involved, trained and informed. When someone understands the benefits of doing their job well, they naturally tend to take care of it in every detail’.

How do you make these results tangible?

‘In my case, an excellent tool for verification are audits and certifications. This is how we deliver to the customer a real certificate of commitment and achievement, guaranteeing a well-organised company, a controlled and clean working environment, knowledgeable and safe employees and, of course, quality, efficiency and continuous production.
Specifically, SAIP has held ISO 9001 (Quality) certification for years, and we expect to achieve ISO 14001-2015 (Environmental Certification) and ISO 45001-2023 (Safety Certification) during 2025.
But the progress is continuous: in the past few days the Board of Directors approved the new Whistleblowing and in January 2025 we achieved the international Ecovadis recognition for Sustainability.

In 2024, in the Quality area, we did no fewer than 14 audits on suppliers. The aim is to verify that they share with us the same quality standards as well as to improve processes to encourage, for example, the alignment of delivery dates.

Better and better, then. With the commitment and awareness of every team member.
For us and for our customers.

That’s SAIP too, with its #energyflow.

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