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Gabriele Tomasello Operations manager


Gabriele is the head of the operations department, that coordinates the purchasing, planning, maintenance, production and logistics departments, for a total of more than 35 people, a number that is still growing.
He joined the SAIP team in May 2023, to contribute to the company’s growth, which has seen, and is still seeing, continuous process improvement day after day, also thanks to the input of specialised key figures.

What benefit does SAIP’s growth and reorganisation have for the customer?

‘In particular,’ says Gabriele, ’the resulting coordination and integration between the production, maintenance and purchasing areas allows the company to increase effectiveness and fluidity, delivering more prompt, precise and timely answers to customers.
Perfect internal collaboration between the different departments allows us to guarantee the constant supply of products to customers and an increase in quality.

And how do you grow in a structured manner?

‘We are constantly analysing processes and machinery, renewing and improving every day to increase our effectiveness.
Careful planning allows us smooth and constant production, which is also monitored by increasingly precise document management.

The extensive use of the ERP system and communication technologies allows us to supervise all company processes in a careful and proactive manner.”

The improved synchronisation with suppliers also helps to ensure material procurement, and thus the adherence to and acceleration of deliveries.
Timely coordination between departments contributes to the growth of SAIP’s performance and, thus, to the increase in the value of the customer offering.

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